"Two Young voices, TWO colored and complementary Tones, CATCHY rythms and melodies, For The dancer's pleasure."

The Group

Born from the will to lift dancers on two pairs of vocal cords, this duet proposes a capella ball, between the subtlety of couple dances and the energy of collective labour songs.  

Breton, Irish and French traditional inspirations meet, enriched by the will to open the singing to dances and languages diversity. 

But firstly, Doru Kano is the alliance of two friend voices, all willing to tickle your feet to slide on a dance floor our under the trees. 

THE Singers

One has a PhD in experimental phonetics and is working as a research engineer, and the other is a PhD student in molecular biology.

Both are dancers at night, and met on Strasbourg dance floors. 
After a while and several vocal improvisations in order to animate small street danse sessions, a group was born.

Our group name is the assembly of  "Doru" and "Kano" from Indo-European, from which originate all European languages. They mean "Tree" and "Song", respectively.